Railway photographers, in the lean times between trains, unashamedly take advantage of this photogenic bonanza when birds descend on fence posts or trees, or hang from stringed peanuts or fat balls. Ray Whitfield is the man, and today's post, 4th May 2011, is dedicated to him and his friendly robins, blue, great and long-tailed tits, dunnocks, yellowhammers etc., etc., and the occasional pheasant.

Pic one is of a blue tit which is the most numerous species to feed on Ray's fayre, especially the fat balls.

Robins are perhaps the favourite of most enthusiasts; they are fond of mealworms and very friendly and approachable for photography. Pic number two features a robin that has just finished off some of Ray's mealworms on top of a fence post.

Long-tailed tits can also be seen regularly in the company of blue tits and a long tailed tit is shown in pic number three. (The background has been subdued and monochromed to highlight the delicate colours of the bird). On one occasion I photographed four long-tails 'mugging' a single fat ball.

For interest, other wildlife seen at Winwick over the past year includes the following - brimstone and gatekeeper butterflies, greater water boatman on a parked car, carrion crows, buzzards, kestrels, stoat, snipe, partridge, peregrine and skylark.
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