This post (4th October 2010) comprises shots from two photographers who were at Winwick on Saturday 2nd October to shoot a steam charter, and diesel locomotives representing three different classes.
From information supplied by the two contributors, Jeff Nicholls and Geoff Monks, the following was gleaned: The 'Severn Valley Limited' steam charter ran Bridgenorth - Blackpool with 'Jubilee' class 4-6-0, 5690
Leander, at the head. As the charter passed through Winwick, double heading WCRC class 37, 37685 and class 47, 47760 waited on the slow line. As soon as
Leander had cleared Load Haul liveried class 60, 60059
Swinden Dalesman appeared with a Fiddlers Ferry coal working from Liverpool Docks - the class 37 and class 47 were held at the lights. The latter locomotives then followed the steam charter to Blackpool to return the train to Kidderminster.
Pic number 1 is from Geoff Monks and shows the steam charter.
The second pic is from Jeff Nicholls - the steam charter is shown heading north past the two diesel locomotives, both on the slow line.
In Geoff Monks' pic, number 3. the class 60 is depicted heading the Liverpool Docks - Fiddlers Ferry coal working with the two diesels held at the lights.
The two photographers also got other shots during a mad hour or so at Winwick - look out for them in the near future.
Incidentally, if you know the guy on the railings in Jeff's pic, please inform him that he is not endearing himself to his fellow photographers by standing in camera shot.