Post number 99 on July 14th 2010 comprises 4 pics from 4 different photographers.

On our blog we are used to seeing pics of class 325 emus transporting mail or occasionally being dragged by class 87s, for example. However, this second shot from Bob McClellan features a EWS class 67, 67007, heading old-style mail vans through Winwick on 1st September 2003.
The first, from Jeff Nicholls, shows a EWS (DBS) class 08, 08653, shunting HAA coal wagons over the Mersey bridge just south of Bank Quay. The pic is dated 10th March 2010. What makes this an exceptional shot is Jeff's use of the vertical format.

On our blog we are used to seeing pics of class 325 emus transporting mail or occasionally being dragged by class 87s, for example. However, this second shot from Bob McClellan features a EWS class 67, 67007, heading old-style mail vans through Winwick on 1st September 2003.
Alan Rigby has forwarded the third pic in this post, that of an unbranded class 350 'Desiro' emu, 350 120, heading north through
Winwick, on 28th April 2006. Thirty, class 350/1 units were built by Siemens in 2004-2005 for use by Central Trains and Silverlink for a short time. The 4-car units remained unbranded in blue and grey livery until they were taken over by London Midland. Thirty-seven class 350/2 units were built for London Midland operation in 2008-2009. By mid 2009, 67 class 350 units, were in London Midland service. Alan says that when the 350/1 units first appeared Central Trains ran a single, evening service from Birmingham to Preston which returned as empty stock.

The final shot is the first (I think) of a 'Super Voyager' class 221, 221xxx. It was taken by Colin Platt. The 5-car demu was photographed speeding round the curve off Winwick Junction, working south. The class was built by Bombardier and entered service in 2001-2003. They differ from class 220 'Voyagers' as they can tilt 6 degrees when taking bends/curves at speed (Colin's shot shows this tilt). Operating on the Virgin WCML, 221101-118 are 5 car units whilst 221142-144 are 4 car units. Often units are double or even treble-headed through Winwick.
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