Two steam 'Specials' and one diesel equivalent have recently passed through Winwick and Newton, respectively. Today's post, 3rd April 2011, features pics of these trains from three different contributors.

Pic number one is from Barry Rigby. Barry was one of many photographers at Winwick on Saturday, 2nd April 2011, to photograph 'The Cheshireman', Cleethorpes - Chester charter. At the head was Riley & Son's 'Black 5', No.44871, heading a rake of WCRC, maroon coaches. I have several pics of this railtour in the 'bank'; please be patient if yours is among them. Internet info describes this loco as heading a train of MK1 coaches on which Roy and Haley Cropper were tavelling for their wedding in an episode of Coronation Street. It was filmed on the ELR, and transmitted on August Bank Holiday Monday, 2010.

Pic number two is from Bob McClellan. LMS, Stanier 'Pacific' No.6201
Princess Elizabeth was pictured at Red Bank, on 26th March 2011, as she steamed towards Carlisle with the 'Settle and Carlisle' charter.

John Smith has sent in the third pic. Taken today, 3rd April 2011, the 'Northern Belle' Pullman railtour was passing through Newton-le-Willows Station headed by DRS class 47, 47790
Galloway Princess, with two DRS class 47s, 47802
Pride of Cumbria and 47501
Craftsman, on the tail. What a wonderful way to spend Mothering Sunday, if you are a mother, of course.
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