BR 'Standard' class 7, 70013,
Oliver Cromwell steamed through Winwick on Friday 19th March 2010 heading the 'Cumbrian Mountain Express' . So far I have only received one photograph of the event. Surely someone else must have a decent shot: send them in with any other pics/info that will enhance our blog. Network Rail use a fleet of class 31s to power some of their Test Trains - 3 x class 31/1s and a class 31/4. The coaches and locomotives are liveried in Network Rail yellow. Other class 31s based at Derby RVE (Rail Vehicle Engineering) are called on when required.

Glenn Oakley has sent in a couple of shots of such a Test Train powering through Winwick on 23rd February 2010. His first shot shows 31285 'topping' the Test Train.
The second pic features a hired, black liveried 31459,
Cerberus, on 'tailing' duty.
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